الجمعة، 16 مارس 2012

batelco womens bazaar.

today i went to batelco's womens bazaar , its first time for batelco havig this kind of events , it was nice , lots of bahraini designers for accesorise, abayas , jalabeyas , dresses and ready made clothes !! and there is a lots of delicious things to eat , cakes , sandwiches , bahraini food and soo many yummy things !!even the beauty salons attends the event , some of them they do services for free and the others they give 50% discount on there services !!

but the problem is that Batelco did'nt promot for the event well ! soo many grlz dunno about the bazaar :(

if u miss it today , no worrys ! tomorrow u can go and have fun there ,, dnt forget to take ur frndz with u. Enjoy it.

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